Rural Development – Rural Recreational Programme
Rural Recreation Programme The Rural Recreation Programme works to support the development, maintenance and promotion of trail based outdoor recreation in County Donegal. About the
Rural Recreation Programme The Rural Recreation Programme works to support the development, maintenance and promotion of trail based outdoor recreation in County Donegal. About the
Local Area Employment Service (LAES) Are you unemployed and looking for work? DLDC’s LAES programme offers you the chance to develop your job seeking skills
Community Employment (CE) Childcare Scheme Are you long-term unemployed and interested in pursuing a career in Childcare? About the Programme If you are over 21
Self -Employment & Employment Supports (SICAP) SICAP 2023-2027 aims to target poverty, social inclusion and long term unemployment. DLDC can provide you with supports for
The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.
Unit 1,
Second floor,
Glen View Business Park,
Co. Donegal
Tel: 074 91 27056
E: info@dldc.org
Unit 1,
Second floor, Glen View Business Park, Carnamuggagh, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Tel: 074 9127056
First Floor, No 1 The Quay,
Donegal Town,
Co. Donegal,
F94 ENC4
Tel: 074 97 25432
Áislann Ghaoth Dobhair,
Páirc Gnó Ghaoth Dobhair,
Doire Beaga.
Co. Dhún na nGall,
F92 D60W.
Tel: 074 95 32712
Aonad 6, Fiontarlann,
Baile Mún,
Cill Chartha,
Co. Dhún na nGall,
F94 N9CW.
Tel: 074 97 33120
Tirhugh Resource Centre,
The Mall,
Co. Donegal,
F94 CY29.
Tel: 071 9858959
Niall Mór Community & Enterprise Centre,
Co. Donegal,
F94 FYX2.
Tel: 074 97 32623
Pearse Road,
Co. Donegal,
Tel: 074 91 61979
Port Road,
Co. Donegal,
F92 VCV5.
Tel: 074 91 26740
Co. Donegal.
F94 C9YN.