About the Programme
DLDC works with Sláintecare Healthy Ireland to deliver the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme to provide increased health and wellbeing services in the North West Donegal Gaeltacht.
An evidenced based process identified local areas in which health and wellbeing risk factors are particularly concentrated and where particular initiatives will be delivered to help promote and improve the overall health and wellbeing of people in those communities.
To ensure the local communities have access to the health and wellbeing programme, a core group of services has been established in Donegal to support people’s wellbeing and to help improve and promote healthier lifestyle behaviours.
These initiatives include:
We Can Quit
We Can Quit is a peer-led smoking cessation programme for people aged 18 and over. It includes group and one-to-one support to quit smoking by trained Community Facilitators.
The programme runs for 8-12 10 weeks in total and includes free NRT (Nicotin Replacement Therapy) for each participant. During the quit journey, participants are supported via phone and in-person meetings and receive a resource pack to assist them on their quit journey. People are four times more likely to quit smoking using this programme.
To apply to participate in the We Can Quit programme please click on the application form below.
Healthy Food Made Easy
The Healthy Food Made Easy (HFME) Programme is a basic nutrition and cookery course that helps people to change to a healthy diet, plan meals on a budget and make easy to cook meals. The course content is based on the most up-to-date healthy eating guidelines from the Department of Health.
The course includes six sessions with each session being two hours duration. Each two- hour session includes topics like nutrition theory and a practical cookery element. The emphasis throughout the programme is on group learning rather than formal teaching.
The course is open to anyone aged 16 years and over, who is interested in learning about nutrition, how to read and understand food labels, wanting to eat healthy, delicious, and nutritious food while maintaining a budget.
Healthy Food Made Easy is a practical but enjoyable course, and everyone can participate.
To apply to participate in the HFME programme please click on the application form below.