Are you feeling lonely, isolated, anxious or even unsure of what you are feeling right now?
Our team of trained listeners are now available to offer phone support to any woman regardless of whether they are a current service user or reaching out for the first time. This service is for women who want to talk over any problem or difficulty in their lives.
Nothing that troubles you is considered “trivial” or “silly” – our listeners are here for you to talk to in confidence. Appointments can be made by phoning the Centre on 074 9124985, emailing us on womenscentrelkenny@eircom.net or a private message through our Facebook page.
If there is no one available to take your call, we ask that you leave your name and phone number. A member of staff will contact you to arrange an appointment.
This service is available Monday to Friday from 10.00am until 4.00pm.
How to contact us http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/contact-us/
Phone: (074) 912 4985 Email: womenscentrelkenny@eircom.net
For more updates, see our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DonegalWomensCentre/
Link to information on service provision specific to COVID -19 http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/covid-19-response/
Link to information for phone support http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/…/covid-19-response-phone-su…/
Link to information for young women who are in need of repeat prescriptions from Ilash Clinic http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/…/ilash-young-womens-clinic-…/
Link to information on available support available to mums with children under 4 years http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/…/phone-support-for-mums-wit…/
Link to information for women who are current clients of family planning clinics http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/…/womens-health-family-plann…/
Link to information on domestic violence http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/…/covid-19-domestic-violence…/ Link to information on a crisis pregnancy http://donegalwomenscentre.ie/crisis-pregnancy/