T: 074 91 27056 (Letterkenny)/ 074 97 25432 (Donegal Town)  E: info@dldc.org

Training and Development Information Clinic

As part of Social Inclusion week, Donegal Local Development Company in conjunction with Donegal ETB will host an online, Training and Development Information Clinic in order to support Community Organisations within our catchments. 

Unfortunately under the current circumstances, it is impossible to meet with  Community representatives on a one-to-one basis, however, we are offering a number of online slots for those groups who may want to avail of them. 

These will run as follows: 

Date:        Wednesday, 14th October 

Time:       2.00pm to 4.00pm.  

Margaret Larkin (Community Development Manager) will represent Donegal Local Development Company at these online sessions.

Catherine Friel (Community Education Facilitator) will be representing Donegal ETB.

If you are interested in availing of this support, we would appreciate confirmation of this as soon as possible in order to facilitate a time slot for participants.

Please contact:

Lourda Nee (DLDC) on 087 296 0601 or Email: lnee@dldc.org

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