The COVID-19 Stability Scheme for Community and Voluntary, Charity and Social Enterprise organisations is to assist organisations who are in urgent need of funding due to the impact of COVID-19 on the finances of their organisation. This Scheme is for organisations who deliver critical frontline services and supports and whose fundraising income and or traded income for 2020 is severely impacted by the pandemic.
All applicants must have a legal status and operate in the Republic of Ireland before 1st January 2019. The Stability Scheme is a once-off emergency grant towards operational costs such as rent, utilities and organisational overheads essential for the delivery of services for the next few months. This Scheme is not for salary costs. Don’t forget the closing date for applications is Wednesday 20th May 2020 @ 5pm. |
To check your eligibility and to submit an application form please register here. If you have already registered and wish to access your application form or complete the application process please log on to your account. | |
For assistance using the portal or queries on the Scheme please e-mail Pobal at We will e-mail you or telephone you a response within 48 hours. Follow link for more info: |