Join well known knitter and designer Edel MacBride for three evening knitting classes.
This is a beginner class to knit a hat or headband in Donegal wool.
A little knowledge of casting on will help. If you are a complete beginner a video link will be advised ahead.
Topics covered will be, casting on, knit and purl stitches and garter stitch. Students will learn to increase and decrease their work, cast off and sew up.
The first 20 people registered will receive a beginner’s hat kit of top quality Donegal Wool and needles.
3 Week Course
Beginning: Tuesday 9th March @7pm on ZOOM
A few Lines about Edel:
Edel Macbride has run a knitwear fashion business for over thirty years.
Available now on she is passionate about using local wools and techniques.
Since 2010 she has taught knitters “all she knows” and has learned much from them too.
Having dressed thousands of customers for christenings, communions and weddings she still loves to sit down and knit a hat!
She sees bringing this simple pleasure of knitting to others a privilege and hopes in turn they can pass the skill on.
You will find Edel’s work on social media sites Instagram and Facebook and on her website