Have you recently lost your job or had your hours reduced due to our current crisis?
Are you thinking of getting back to work?
If you are interested and need some support we are here to help you.
DLDC are offering the following FREE – Getting ready for Employment Course –delivered in 2 sessions via Zoom as follows:
• Session 1 Wednesday 1st July 11.00am -12.00pm
• Session 2 Thursday 2nd July 11.00am-12.00pm
Topics to be covered include:
• CV Preparations, Cover Letters and Application Forms
• Zoom Interviews, Telephone Interviews and walk in Interviews
For more information or to book your FREE place contact our Employment Support team
Siobhan Mobile: 087 9981827 Email: snugent@dldc.org
Mary Mobile: 087 9926681 Email mhiggins@dldc.org
Employment Supports SICAP Gaeltacht
Paula Mobile: 087 3120139 Email: pmcgarvey@dldc.org