T: 074 91 27056 (Letterkenny)/ 074 97 25432 (Donegal Town)  E: info@dldc.org

Donegal Volunteer Centre & Donegal County Museum Volunteering in the Community Photography Competition & Exhibition 2021 – €600 PRIZE FUND

The Donegal Volunteer Centre and Donegal County Museum are delighted to announce their first-ever photographic competition which celebrates Volunteering in the Community. The Donegal Volunteer Centre and Donegal County Museum are inviting amateur photographers to submit images of volunteers at work anywhere within County Donegal.

The Donegal Volunteer Centre wishes to recognise the extraordinary contribution of County Donegal volunteers;

“This Volunteering in the Community Photography Competition is our opportunity to extend our thanks to our volunteers more formally and to celebrate the extremely valuable work they do”. John Curran, Donegal Volunteer Centre.

Donegal County Museum has created the Volunteering in Heritage- the John McDermott Memorial Award, to recognise and highlight the extraordinary contribution that volunteers with local museums, heritage centres and organisations make to County Donegal’s history and heritage.

“Donegal County Museum created this award in memory of the late John McDermot. John was a volunteer who, over many years, took hundreds of photographs of archaeological and historic sites across County Donegal, many of which have become part of the John McDermott Collection in Donegal County Museum.” Caroline Carr, Donegal County Museum

The competition prizes are €400 Shop LK voucher for the overall winner and there are two €50 runners-up vouchers. The prize for ‘’Volunteering in Heritage- the John McDermott Memorial Award’’ is a €100 voucher for Magee’s Photo Lab.

Finalists will be invited to the prize giving event in early September in Donegal County Museum.  All the entries will be displayed in an exhibition which will open in the Museum on Culture Night, Friday 17th September 2021.

Admission to the Competition, Exhibition, and the Museum is FREE.

The Closing date for all entries is 5.00pm on Monday 30th August 2021. No entries after this time will be accepted.

Full competition details are available  HERE and at https://www.donegalcoco.ie/culture/countymuseum/projects/

Further information Donegal Volunteer Centre 074 91 26740 County Museum 074 91 24613

ALL COMPETITION ENTRIES TO BE SENT TO : eamonn@volunteerdonegal.ie

All photographs must be at least 2MB and no larger than 5MB

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