T: 074 91 27056 (Letterkenny)/ 074 97 25432 (Donegal Town)  E: info@dldc.org

Selection of Local Employment Opportunities:  Donegal 20th September 2023

It is great to see that there are still Employment Opportunities for Job Seekers in the County.

Please see a selection below.  We will provide an updated list every Wednesday.

Contact your local DLDC Employment Supports Officer IN YOUR AREA today for help to apply for the positions:

Gaeltacht:          Paula Mc Garvey   087-3120139

Letterkenny:  Mary Higgins    087-9926681

Donegal Town:  Siobhan Nugent         087-9981827

Letterkenny:  Maeve Mc Ivor  087-1305866

Gaeltacht and Central area (Ukraine response) – Stephen Carmichael 086 085 3758

Selection of Local Employment Opportunities:  Donegal 20th September 2023

Area Company Job Position How To Apply
Donegal Donegal Local Development CLG/Donegal Intercultural Platform and Donegal Travellers Project ‘Development Worker/ Trainer – Think Equality Donegal


To apply for the position, please submit by email, a Letter of Application together with current Curriculum Vitae and clearly outline how you meet the criteria to:  Human Resources at  vacancies@dldc.org

Applications to arrive no later than 12 Noon on Monday 25th September 2023.

Job Descriptions are available from vacancies@dldc.org and also on DLDC website www.dldc.org

Lettermacaward Sweeney’s Homevalue Retail Assistant Please send CV to hr@sweeneyhomevalue.ie

Closing date: Fri Sept 22nd

Derrybeg Sweeney’s Homevalue Retail Assistant Please send CV to hr@sweeneyhomevalue.ie

Closing date: Fri Sept 22nd

Lettermacaward Sweeney’s Homevalue Experienced

Office/Accounts Person

Please send CV to hr@sweeneyhomevalue.ie

Closing date: Fri Sept 22nd

Leitir Ceanainn Ollscoil Teicneolaíochta an Atlantaigh Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge an OTA An dáta deiridh a nglacfar le hiarratais don phost atá luaite thuas ná: Déardaoin 21 Meán Fómhair 2023, ag 12 meán lae.

Is féidir teacht ar shonraí an phoist/foirmeacha iarratais agus is féidir iarratas a dhéanamh ar líne don phost luaite thuas ag www.atu.ie/jobs-at-atu

Dún na nGall An Garda Siochána Oifigeach Cléireachais Déan iarratas roimh 3pm 20 Meán Fómhair, 2023. Tuilleadh eolais agus foirm iarratais ar fáil ag https://www.garda.ie/!FB56Z4
Donegal Town DMG Motors Valeter/Vehicle Ptogresser Please send your CV to:  hireme@dmgmotors.ie
Ardara Creative Hairdressing Qualified Stylist


Email:  creativehairdressingardara@gmail.com


Call:  087-3339807

Ardara Creative Hairdressing Apprentice

(New Apprenticeship Programme)

Email:  creativehairdressingardara@gmail.com


Call:  087-3339807

Donegal Donegal Plumbing & Heating Bathroom and Tile

Showroom Sales Assistant

Send your CV to:  sales@donegalplumbing.ie

Closing Date:  Saturday 30th September 2023

Dungloe O Donnells Pharmacy Qualified

Pharmacy Technician


Apply with CV to:  odonnellspharmacy@hotmail.co.uk
Moville Healthwise Pharmacy Group Full-Time

Pharmacy Sales Assistants

To apply please email your CV and Cover Letter to:


Please put MOVILLE23 in the subject line of your email

Fahan The Railway Tavern Head Chef Email:  manager@raileaytavern.ie

Or Call


Fahan The Railway Tavern Sous Chef Email:  manager@raileaytavern.ie

Or Call


Fahan The Railway Tavern Part-Time


Email:  manager@raileaytavern.ie

Or Call


Fahan The Railway Tavern Bartender Email:  manager@raileaytavern.ie

Or Call


Fahan The Railway Tavern Full-Time


Email:  manager@raileaytavern.ie

Or Call


Letterkenny Tailored Facility Solutions Cleaners Required


Immediate Start

All CV’s and enquiries to:  accounts@tfsireland.ie

Or Call


Buncrana A&N Fuels Oil Tanker

Lorry Driver

Immediate Start

Contact Mark or Noel on


Donegal Donegal County Library



Library Assistant

Apply via:  www.donegalcoco.ie/services/recruitment/libraryassistant2023/#d.en.35163

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 12 noon on Monday, 2nd October, 2023

Raphoe Oakfield The Santa Express

Job Applications

Email your CV and Cover Letter to:


before 22nd October

Muff The Treehouse Restaurant Waiting Staff Drop in your CV or email to:


Muff The Treehouse Restaurant Bar Staff Drop in your CV or email to:


Muff The Treehouse Restaurant Chef De Partie Drop in your CV or email to:


Muff The Treehouse Restaurant Kitchen Porter Drop in your CV or email to:


Newtowncunningham Newtown Tyre Centre Tyre Fitter Must hold a full, clean driving licence & be over 25 years for insurance purposes. Experience is preferred, but someone willing to learn & has the ability to learn new skills will also be welcome to apply.

Contact us on 0749156114!

Laghey Aras Mhic Shuibhne Nursing Home Activity Coordinator Please forward CV to:

Director of Nursing

Aras Mhic Shuibhne Nursing Home

Mullinasole, Laghey,

Co. Donegal


Or Email: aras@drumhill.ie

Donegal Town Lough Eske Castle Hotel Wedding Manager Apply Via:  https://ow.ly/IHSO50PFisA
Donegal Town Lough Eske Castle Hotel Marketing Administrator Apply Via:  https://ow.ly/utmE50PFisz
Kilclooney Dolmen Centre Café Assistant Email Leonard on leonard.molloy@narinportnooce.com
Kilclooney Dolmen Centre Housekeeper x2 Email Leonard on leonard.molloy@narinportnooce.com
Narin/Portnoo Narin, Portnoo, Rossbeg Communiy Co-Op Community Employment Supervisor Email Leonard on leonard.molloy@narinportnooce.com
Donegal Dorrian Construction Ltd General Operatives Apply via:  Dorrian Construction Ltd Facebook Page
Glenties DBD Design Full-Time

Sign Fitter/Vehicle Wrapper

Email your CV to declanboyledesign@gmail.com
Letterkenny Snugborough Barista Please call into us in Snugborough with your CV or contact us on 085 8618963 for more details
Letterkenny Snugborough Kitchen Porter Please call into us in Snugborough with your CV or contact us on 085 8618963 for more details
Ballyliffin Ballyliffin Lodge & Spa Food & Beverage


Contact:  margaret@ballyliffinlodge.com
Letterkenny Sweeneys Spar Express Shop and Deli

Part-Time Staff

Please forward CV to sweeneyssparexpress@hotmail.com
Kilcar Centra Full-Time and Part-Time


Evenings and Weekend Work

To apply drop your CV into store or email hegarty.kilcar@centra.ie

Stranorlar Donegal ETB

Finn Valley College

Principal We are recruiting for a Principal for our Stranorlar school, Finn Valley College, with effect from 1 January 2024. Applications should be submitted by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 19 September. Further details here: https://www.donegaletb.ie/donegal-etb/vacancies/.
Letterkenny O’Hehir’s



Catering Assistants

Please forward CVs to:  atudonegal@ohehirs.ie
Letterkenny Hegarty’s Ford Apprentice and Qualifies Technicians Email:  andrew@hegartys.com
Donegal Town Magee of Donegal Content & Social Media Executive Please submit your CV and a Cover Letter to Ann Harley – aharley@magee1866.com
Donegal Donegal ETB Grade III Clerical Officer


Letterkenny ATU Donegal Recruiting for Three Roles https://www.donegaldaily.com/2023/09/15/jobs-atlantic-technological-university-recruiting-for-three-roles/
Donegal Town Abbey Electrical Supplies Trade Counter Sales/Store Person https://www.donegaldaily.com/2023/09/14/vacancies-abbey-electrical-supplies-require-trade-counters-sales-store-person/
Gaoth Dobhair M&N Civil Engineering Limited Accounts Assistant Applications should be emailed to:  reception@mandncivils.com
Redcastle Redcastle Oceanfront, Golf & Spa Hotel Accommodation Assistants

Full-Time & Part-Time

To apply, please send your CV to:


Redcastle Redcastle Oceanfront, Golf & Spa Hotel Night Porter


To apply, please send your CV to:


Redcastle Redcastle Oceanfront, Golf & Spa Hotel Sous Chef


To apply, please send your CV to:


Ballyshannon Slevins Department Store Part-Time Position

Men’s Department

Please forward your CV to:  slevinscv@gmail.com

            Follow us on the DLDC Facebook Page and DLDC Website for all the latest jobs in Donegal…



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